Tips to ask girl number - easy and simple

In the process of seduction, taking the number is essential because it seals the end of the first part of the conversation with a girl: you find it funny enough, interesting and pretty to see her again.

By asking her phone number, you validate it. But will she give it to you? Is she interested, too? If the phone number pickup is not smooth, you can mess up all the work you've done so far. Let me introduce you to the most effective Numclose method in the world. (100% of smart guys have progressed thanks to this cunning of Sioux!). Background needed to take a girl's phone number. It takes an excuse, it takes a logical excuse to see this girl, to propose a date galant.

Take out your phone

In a natural way, you interrupt your conversation, and hand him your phone. Normally she will know what to do. If she is having trouble with your phone, open your phonebook directly to add a new entry.

Take out a notebook and a pen

A little old school, like Arnaud Allard and the pack of cigarettes in Four boys full of future. The problem is that a paper, a notebook, it is easily lost. Tip to make it unique: I had a notebook in which I noted the fictional number of Zinedine Zidane, David Beckham, Clara Morgane, Jacques Chirac ... I handed the notebook to the girls with a pen, they exploded with laughter seeing these fake numbers . We were a bit in the mytho trend for pecho, but they laughed, so it was won!

Take out your brain

The most complicated option. But my favorite, and that of Eros too. The reader initially complained about two AMOGs. The rivals had time to see him with his phone in his hand. He was too close to them.
First, you must always think about isolation: not great for a girl to give her number in front of everyone (her friends who will make fun of her and judge her, her friends / pretenders / ex who are watching you an evil eye). The second point to remember is the discretion, the stealth, a bit like a stealth attraction Gambler: there, I propose a stealth numclose.

In conversation, here is my exact technique to take a girl's number

"OK, we'll do something. I really want to see you again, you look pretty good. You will give me your phone number. Just once. You'll whisper it to me. If I do not hold it, it's because I'm a big moron, and no one would want to go [timebridge proposal] with a guy without a brain. I'm listening to you. "

There, 9 times out of 10 the girl will take the time to articulate her phone number. If it is speeding, it's a flake, it does not matter, you can retry later, when it will feel more comfortable with you.

If she articulates well, make an effort to memorize madness. If you have selected 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42, you can retain his 06. In my time, prehistory, we kept the phone numbers of girls through French departments, or cities.

Example: 06-Paris-Dijon-Double Gironde meant

If you keep his phone number with player jerseys, that's good too!

The tip: go to the bathroom within 5 minutes, leave or enjoy a song where she goes to dance to enter his number in your phone.

No one is infallible, and alcohol and fatigue will wipe out his brainwave number like the waves on the beach.

Warning: in ultra noisy clubs, you can fail if the girl does not speak loud enough. Do not forget to take this parameter into account to properly execute this technique!

Note: All these tips related to seduction on the phone can be found in The Phone Game Guide. The advantage of this number is huge: no one sees you, she does not need to expose herself to others, and most importantly, she will be surprised when she receives your first text. The ultimate IOI: when the girl DEMANDS that you note her number in your phone. "No, come on, take it really, otherwise you will not call me back! "

In this case, do not obey! Keep the advantage, she'll be twice as happy when you call her the next day. And you, what is your technique for taking a 06? Share your wiles of Sioux to take the number or the FB of a girl!

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