Tips & Methods to get Girl heart on Facebook or Twitter

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In a way, while all the official dating sites used figures, graphs and profile photos retouched to reach the heart of the unfortunate in love, Facebook has quietly found itself with a billion users around the world , many of them being single and in search of love.

Update your profile

When you start making passes, the first thing that the object of your desire is going to do is to look at your Timeline and your profile picture. In face to face, the first thing someone will see is your eyes and your smile. What do they see when they look at yours? A friendly expression and a smile on your profile picture, and an interesting cover photo will give the impression that you are probably a smart, fun person, and a nice person with whom it would be nice to go out. A political, religious or opinion message about your cover photo will send a very strong signal that may or may not be appreciated, and this is certainly more risky than something more suited to your personality than your beliefs. If you plan to chat with a friend of a friend, do not forget to set the privacy options for your profile so that the things you want to share like photos, some albums and the "About Me" section are all visible by friends of friends at least.

Do not drag your approach

If you are interested in someone, do not hide, especially after establishing a contact by commenting on a publication or photo. Just as if you were in a social context, if you make eye contact, do not cross the room to say hello by glancing furtively, you will look very strange. The person you like, instead of thinking that you find them attractive, will end up saying, "Why does this person fix me so much? " If you noticed them, and commented on a message or photo or more, the next step is clear.

Become a regular commentator on their posts and use friends in common

 Not all and not all the time: it will make you look "weird and unpleasant". On the other hand, interesting messages or photos are likely to continue to develop the report.
Make your comments concise and appropriate. Comments that are too long, deep, and provocative may well go into e-mail and private conversations, but are painful for both your friend and others who write about the publication after you. The best approach to flirt online is to keep the goal in mind: "flirt"! Commenting on their publications should become secondary. The area to develop is the private chat, and you should have a good idea in a few days if there is something that invites you to continue. Facebook is a social network, after all, so it's only natural for you to use your friends as a topic of conversation. If you are on good terms with a mutual friend, they will be more likely to give you a chance.
Talk about something funny, amazing, weird, something that a friend did. He can make you look gracious or like someone who has a good sense of humor.
"Have you seen what [common friend] put on his wall? I thought only girls screamed like that! "
"This piece that [common friend] sent you the other day. It's great, is not it? I think we are lucky that the Internet is so ... weird! "
"The video you put on [common friend's] wall was superb. Have you seen that one? "
Discuss your common friend. Asking direct, non-suggestive questions about the person you both know will make it easier for you to develop a comfort zone between the two of you. "How do you know [common friend]? [Friend] tells me that you are definitely someone I should know. "
"How long have you known [common friend]? I should not say that, but I was there when [common friend] was born. "

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